
ask dr. wolf

This is a place where you can ask questions and get direct answers from Dr. Wolf. In the past 30 + years, he has worked in both private practice and institutional settings -dealing with all ages and problems.

He will answer you directly and selected questions will be shared with our reading audience. Every measure will be used to protect the identity of client and practitioner. 

Thank you for having joined me at last month's CCAPP Fall 2018 symposium. You may recall my talk discussing the value that can be gained from putting on your own oxygen mask first.

In that spirit, I am beginning a newsletter that is a place where we can help each other. Part of it is industry news, part is reports of research on new techniques, and my favorite part is "Ask Dr. Wolf'. This is where I get to answer your questions/problems. 

I am delighted to share my 30+ years of experience in clinical, institutional and private practice. From schools, to hospitals, to prisons, and the streets of L.A.



Train your brain to learn new ways to deal with anxiety! Taming Your Anxiety is an app that you can use to help you through life’s anxious moments. Those who practice this easy-to-use protocol have found it makes their life less stressful. This 25 minute app will help you by identifying:

  • What is Anxiety?

  • Instructions for Belly Breathing

  • Instructions for Mindfulness/Mindlessness

  • 5 Minute Walking Meditation



Thank you for having joined me at last month's CCAPP Fall 2018 symposium. You may recall my talk discussing the value that can be gained from putting on your own oxygen mask first.

In that spirit, I am beginning a newsletter that is a place where we can help each other. Part of it is industry news, part is reports of research on new techniques, and my favorite part is "Ask Dr. Wolf'. This is where I get to answer your questions/problems.

I am delighted to share my 30+ years of experience in clinical, institutional and private practice. From schools, to hospitals, to prisons, and the streets of L.A.